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Sandy Pines Storm Shelter

What made this job so unique was being able to have a multi-level building for recreational use as well as the ability to withhold a category F5 tornado and give shelter to the residents of Sandy Pines. The building was designed with ship lap style form liners for most of the building with the exception of the corners of the building which had a dry stack stone form liner look to it. This job is in compliance with FEMA and PCI guidelines. Typical wall panel building would have a ¾” gap between panels for caulking but in the case of a FEMA building we needed to minimize the gap to 3/8” in the event that a tornado could potentially send debris through the caulked gaps. They designed steel to be welded on the inside of the building as well as steel strips in the caulk joints to minimize the gaps to the required dimensions. The hollowcore was used for the floor on the second story and also used on the roof above. With the excellent work of our field crew this was all installed in just over a weeks’ time with very minimal issues.

Did you know? This structure is a FEMA 361 rated building. Precast walls and hollowcore completed the enclosure.







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